Posts Tagged ‘Updates on Liver Flushes’

Liver Flush Update: #4 and #5

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve given an update on my liver flushes.  I did the 4th one on Aug. 6 – 7,  and there was really nothing remarkable about it to say.  I actually got fewer stones than the first 3 flushes, maybe 200 in all at best guess, so I was really looking forward to moving on to the next one.

Not having any sort of set work schedule, I have to look up the road, and find the most convenient times to be able to do one. And it’s not always easy.  I had started the 6 day preparation period in Aug, but had to abort it a couple days into it, as I started fighting a cold, so I couldn’t have my body overworking itself on TWO fronts, so I stopped.  Then I had a badly infected sty in my eye, that put me off for a few weeks, and I ended up taking 17 1/2 days of antibiotics.

I started the 6 day prep while still on the antibiotics, and finished the last dose on the morning of the actual flush itself.  NOT an ideal situation, but couldn’t be helped with my schedule.  While cleaning my colon on the morning of the 6th day before the flush that night, I DID get out some white foam (probably the beginning of stone formation from the antibiotics) and some white stuff that was most likely yeast (again from those pesky antibiotics), so I also took some probiotics to help the good flora to replenish itself.  I was fair to middling on taking them WHILE on the antibiotics!

I was also anxious to move on with the flushes for several other reasons.  I seemed to be showing an improvement with my big toe, regarding the toenail fungus, and I didn’t want to lose whatever ground I’d gained.  Also, the bottom of my left rib cage really protrudes noticeably more than my right side, so I’m thinking that it’s pretty full of stones that need to be released!!  And finally, I really just didn’t want to lose any ground at all that I’ve gained from the first 4 flushes.

Screwed up the schedule of Epsom Salts drinks.  Ugh!  Was supposed to take at 6:00 pm, but didn’t remember til 7:00.  Was a screwy day at work, and forgot to set alarm.  So I took 2nd dose at 8:30, and planning on taking the Olive Oil/lemon and orange juice at 10:15, hoping to split the timing difference in half each time and not have the flush too screwed up to work…!!  Although I DID go to the bathroom more times before 10:00 than in the last 4 flushes – lots more!

Then I couldn’t find where I had put the lemons and oranges I’d bought earlier!! So I actually didn’t drink the olive oil/citrus mixture until about 10:20.  What else could go wrong??  My daughter calling me at 11:30.  LOL!  Well I DID manage to stay pretty quiet for the first 30 min., as required.  But had to run to the bathroom again at that point.  Stomach gurgling constantly, couldn’t sleep.

In the morning, started evacuating after 8:00 Epsom Salts drink. First couple of times, I didn’t pass a lot of stones, and most were small.  The third produced quite a large number of VERY large ones – up to about 2 inches.  And didn’t see any green ones – they were tan.

After that, I again started passing green stones, many of them very large.  Probably about 300-400 stones in all. Pretty much stopped passing stones by about 11:30 – 12:00.  And stopped running to the bathroom frequently by about 1:30. I did not feel bad or run down after this flush.  A bit tired from not getting to sleep very well.  But no ill effects from this flush, even with everything that went “wrong”.  Left for my weekend out of town by about 2:45. Fortunately only an hour’s drive, and no after effects of the flush. Hopefully, I can get back on schedule, and do it again in about 3 WEEKS, as opposed to about 2 MONTHS!!