Posts Tagged ‘Black Salve “test patch”’

Experiments with Black Salve #1 – Results

Got my problem with uploading pictures solved.  So I can now write an update on my skin test with Black Salve.  I will admit that I need to get better at the focus, but you will get the general idea.

BS 10/9/13 #1

BS 10/9/13 #1

This first picture is BEFORE I applied any Black Salve.  I was using the brown spot (Liver Spot?) on the left above the index card to serve as a “landmark”.

BS 10/9/13 #2

BS 10/9/13 #2

I then applied the Black Salve, and used a red Sharpie to mark the area of application.  After this, I covered it with a Band-aid.  It is said that if there is cancer (or abnormal cells) one starts to feel a “tingling” in the area of application, usually within a few hours. I felt some “itching”, but was not sure if it was from the adhesive on the Band-aid, or the Black Salve.  It really did not bother me, I was just “aware” of it at times.

BS 10/10/13 #3

BS 10/10/13 #3

This was the removal of the Band-aid after 24 hrs.  You can see the Bandaid still attached to the right side of the spot of application, containing most of the Black Salve.  Earlier, when I had showered, I had applied 2 smaller Band-aids sideways across the original Band-aid, in an attempt to keep it dry.  Didn’t work too well, but neither did it get soaked.

BS 10/10/13 #4

BS 10/10/13 #4

This was taken after removing the rest of the Band-aid, and the Black Salve was taken off with hydrogen peroxide.  The area was redder than can be seen in the picture.  I will definitely have to get the focus better, but I expected the redness.  It was not irritating to touch, it was as if the BS had drawn all the body’s “defenses” to the site of the application, ready to get rid of some “invader”, causing some redness (inflammation), but there was nothing for the immune system to “fight”…..

Tonight, I will pick one of the brown (liver ?) spots, to apply BS to, and see if I get any real reaction from it.  Supposedly, liver spots are called such, because they are places on the skin (a organ that removes toxins) where toxins collect when they cannot be removed by the liver.  So, I want to see if any actually show a reaction.  Not sure if all, or even any, of them will.  But worth a shot to rid my body of any toxins.

Other posts on Black Salve can be found here, and here.  And more info on my experiment with Black Salve can be found here.

Stay tuned for my 2nd experiment with Black Salve.  And please feel free to comment, especially if you have experience with Black Salve.

Experiments with Black Salve #1

I ordered the Amazon Black Salve from Alpha Omega Labs in Ecuador, formerly known as Cansema®.  It took about 2 1/2 weeks to get here, and finally arrived yesterday (on 10/9/13).  About 10 pm, I put it on an area of my leg that showed no marks, and I felt reasonably positive, had no abnormal cells.  This was my “test” patch, and I did take photos.

I wanted to do a test patch, as the alphabet agencies, as well as “Quackwatch” would like to claim that it is corrosive to your skin. Per all the research that I’ve done on it, it will only turn slightly red, and be slightly irritated, so we will see tonight.

I am on the 6th day of my 5th Liver Flush (which I will post on next week), so I will remove the Black Salve slightly BEFORE 10 pm tonight and take more photos.  I am also planning a week end out of town, so will post the results tomorrow, and results of Liver Flushes #4 & 5, sometime after Sunday.

I am planning at this point, to hit some spots on my legs first, for various reasons:  It is now cool enough to wear long pants, I can start learning and judging the types of spots that will react, I will start learning about “scar care and prevention” on my legs, as opposed to a more exposed part of my body.

I have numerous spots on my legs, such as “liver spots” (?), “flat warts” (?), small freckles, etc., that I intend to start testing first. After learning to judge how each of these types of spots react, I will then move on to my arms, hands, shoulders, and torso.  Mostly more of the same types of spots, as well as a few large moles. However, I also have a pinkish raised bump on my left arm (don’t know WHAT it is), that I will treat, and a small pilondal (sp?) cyst at the base of my spine that I would like to treat as well – as soon as I figure out the “logistics” in the bandaging, care etc., of that area!!!

So stay tuned for my experiments/adventures with Black Salve!! And please feel free to comment and ask questions!

UPDATE:  Due to difficulties with getting pix uploaded from camera, I will not be able to post them for a few days.  In the meantime, feel free to check out my other posts on Black Salves and Escharotics.  And I will start “treating” some of the spots on my leg starting in 2 days.  So stay tuned….

UPDATE #2.  Results of skin test with Black Salve, including photos are now posted here.