Archive for October 29, 2013

Black Salve Experiment #4, Part 1

Having tried Amazon Black Salve® (formerly known as Cansema®) on several areas on my legs and feet, but not getting any reaction, I decided to take the plunge, and move on to a mole which is located a few inches or so to the left of my neck at the top of my back.

I had intended to try to get some reactions from spots on my legs or feet, to gauge how my body would react, and to experiment on minimizing scarring as well.  I also learned that sometimes 2 applications, 24 hrs. apart, may not be enough, so I was determined to apply up to, but no more than, 5 times to try to get a reaction.  For more on this, see my previous posts on Black Salve Experiments.

Black Salve Experiment #1.  Which was simply a “test” spot.

Black Salve Experiment #2

Black Salve Experiment #3

I picked this mole because it was irregular in shape, had become slightly raised, and had a couple of dark spots in it.  I have had it as long as I can remember – so probably since birth!  I also had a second one very near to this one, which was “blanched” and “shaved off” 23 years ago.  It, too, had become raised and irregularly shaped, but it also had become irritated whenever scratched.  I was always worried that it was cancerous, but never diagnosed as such.

BS Experiment 4, #1

BS Experiment 4, #1

BS Experiment 4, #2

BS Experiment 4, #2

A couple views of this mole before applying Black Salve.  I apologize for the picture-taking at the outset – the location of the mole is on the back side, and getting a fair focus on it (much less getting it IN the frame at all, lol) is a hit-or-miss proposition.  Some are good, some are not so good.  These 2 pictures were taken on 10/20/13.  Sometimes I have also managed to crop out the date….

After applying the Black Salve, it DID feel as if something was happening, but I felt no real pain.

BS Experiment 4, #3

BS Experiment 4, #3

But…  It didn’t really appear like anything was happening.  So I cleaned it off with hydrogen peroxide, and put on a 2nd application.

BS Experiment 4, #4

BS Experiment 4, #4

While my skin is starting to turn red (expected reaction), it still didn’t appear like anything was happening.  It still doesn’t really “hurt”, I’d say the itching is the worst discomfort.  The red marks at the bottom right quadrant appear to be from scratching, not from the Black Salve. Again, I cleaned it off with hydrogen peroxide….

BS Experiment 4, #5

BS Experiment 4, #5

….and I went ahead and applied the Black Salve for a third time.  The redness is more apparent in this picture.

BS Experiment 4, #6

BS Experiment 4, #6

I know this photo is way off center, and not well focussed, but found it interesting that the Band-aid literally peeled off a bit of my skin off.  Funny how the “medical establishment” likes to call Black Salve “corrosive”, yet the Band-aid has damaged my skin WAY more than the Black Salve has!!  Another point of interest was the redness now extending out beyond the confines of the Band-aid.

BS Experiment 4, #7

BS Experiment 4, #7

Initial view where it still doesn’t seem as if anything is reacting, even though there is a lot of redness involved.  Still really no pain, other than an occasional burning or stinging.  LOTS of itching, but may be from the adhesive on the Band-aid as much as from the Black Salve…  Scratch marks are still evident, and now there is a new point of reference where the Band-aid pulled off my skin.  Now THAT stung!!  I again cleaned everything off with peroxide, and applied more Black Salve.

BS Experiment 4, #8

BS Experiment 4, #8

This is my 4th application of Black Salve to the mole on 10/23/13.

BS Experiment 4, #9

BS Experiment 4, #9

After putting on the Band-aid – in a different direction! – I noticed a line of “satellite” reactions in the red area outside the Band-aid, so I applied a thin line of Black Salve over these, and added a second Band-aid to cover that, as well.  I have to admit that over the course of the next day, I wondered if I was wise to do that, but what was done, was done.  And I left it.

On 10/24/13 I was anxious to see what was going on, as the day before I was starting to get some reactions….

BS Experiment 4, #10

BS Experiment 4, #10

I definitely was having some reactions, including a number of “satellites”.  It definitely seemed as if the mole was showing some separation from the surrounding tissue.  And the scratch marks were also starting to “heal” and scab over. At this point, I did not apply any more Black Salve, but went into eschar care mode.  I cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide, then applied some Colloidal Silve Salve.  After letting that absorb into my skin for a bit, I then applied some Vaseline, and covered with another Band-aid.  I have seen in my research that one was not supposed to let the eschar dry out. This routine I started doing twice a day.

BS Experiment 4, #11

BS Experiment 4, #11

BS Experiment 4, #12

BS Experiment 4, #12

Unfortunately, I was unable to get any very good pix on the 25th, but I guess you’ll get the idea, anyway.  Still no real pain throughout…. itching, itching, itching, though.  Always feels good and cooling to apply the Colloidal Silver Salve.  And definitely feels good when I don’t have a Band-aid on!

BS Experiment 4, #13

BS Experiment 4, #13

BS Experiment 4, #14

BS Experiment 4, #14

While the AREA of the redness seems to be shrinking, the INTENSITY does not.  While cleaning the area in the morning, I got a few drops of blood, so I left off the Vaseline in the morning cleaning.  It seems to be so hard to get off with just a Q-tip or cotton ball, and some hydrogen peroxide.  And I’ve started using the Colloidal Silver Salve twice whenever I have a chance to leave the Band-aid off for awhile.  I am using the big ones (the ones for “knees”), and BOY, I cannot wait until I’m able to use the small circular ones!!  It’ll be some time yet for that!!

Well, it is a good time to end Part 1, as it has covered the first week, and I’ve bombarded you with a huge number of pictures.  Part 2 will be coming soon – at least until I get myself caught up!

Update:  Part 2 can be seen here.

Comments, suggestions, questions, experiences to share – all are welcome!!  Please feel free to comment!

Black Salve Experiment #3

Having had no luck on getting a reaction from the first spot (see Black Salve Experiment #2) I tried on my leg, I decided not to wait to hit up another spot.  If at all possible, I would really like to get some “practice” at how my body will react, and what kind of scarring there will be on my legs/feet, where it won’t be so noticeable.  So about 8:45 pm on 10/15/13, I applied it to a “warty-looking” spot on the inside of my heel.  It is ever so slightly raised, about 1/4″ inch round, and not brownish, like most of the ones on my hands are, and may really BE a wart, just doesn’t look quite like a typical wart that one would be accustomed to seeing.

I was a little leery of applying it to the inside of my heel, as I wonder if my shoe will rub on it, but since I can’t NOT wear shoes at any point of the year, I went ahead and tried it.  The following 2 pictures show the before and after application of the Amazon Black Salve® (formerly known as Cansema®):

BS Experiment 3 #1

BS Experiment 3 #1

BS Experiment 3 #2

BS Experiment 3 #2

I DID feel a slight sensation after applying, but that went away after a little bit, so I’m not sure this one is reacting either….  Even though I THINK that the Black Salve will react to anything abnormal (ie. viral for a wart), it may just be that it won’t react to anything that is NOT cancerous.  If I don’t have anything that is cancerous, I may just end up publishing a couple dozen “experiments” proving that it WON’T react to anything not cancerous.  But we will see: Especially when I move up to my upper body, and some moles that have changed size and shape slightly.

I have never had a diagnosis of cancer, and honestly, will NOT have any spots or moles biopsied, as cutting into anything cancerous will allow the cancerous cells to spread to other parts of the body, and that is just not a chance I am willing to take.

By the time I got home from work on 10/16/13, most of it had come off (maybe the shoe rubbing, even though I was wearing a Band-aid), so I went ahead, washed the little that was left off with hydrogen peroxide and reapplied more about 5:15pm on 10/16/13.

BS Experiment 3, #3

BS Experiment 3, #3

Well, nothing had really happened after 2 applications, so I moved on and hit up a couple more spots, at 2 appliations each, and nothing was happening with any of them.  So then I got “smart”, and went back to look at the user instructions given at the site

After 24 hours remove the bandage. Using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 – 3%, available in most drug stores) and a Q-Tip, very lightly go over the lesion, removing any excess Cansema® and other organic debris (i.e. pus, serous fluid, etc.) If a full pus formation is not evident or is incomplete, repeat step 2 and leave the new application on for an additional 24 hours before proceeding. Normally one application is sufficient for small tumors (the size of a pencil eraser), but no more than three applications are required for larger tumors. There are instances, however, when repeated applications of Cansema® are required because of “accessibility” problems – although this can be limited using the techiques cited in the preceding section. In order to initiate the escharization process, however, and begin killing the cancer, it is vital that Cansema® be able to penetrate and reach the subject site. This can take multiple (three or more) applications, though one to two applications is more common.

Ah, well, there you go…  maybe I need to learn a little more patience….!!!  Imagine that!

I had already applied it to a mole on my back – between my shoulder and my neck, but decided to go ahead and revisit this “warty” thing on my heel, anyway.  And I also decided to do a maximum of 5 applications before “giving up”.  I ran a nail file over the top of the “wart” a few times to “rough it up”, and hopefully allow the Black Salve to penetrate better, then started applying the Black Salve again on 10/20/13 for up to 5 times.

BS Experiment 3, #4

BS Experiment 3, #4

This photo was taken on 10/22/13, after 2 applicaations.  If nothing else, the “wart” seems “smoother” – as in, the lines running through it previously, seem to be gone.

BS Experiment 3, #5

BS Experiment 3, #5

Now, I’m simply wondering if the Black Salve is doing nothing other than turning my skin green, lol!

BS Experiment 3, #6

BS Experiment 3, #6

After 5 applications, no reaction.  But I can definitely say that Black Salve does NOT corrode normal skin.  It makes it red, green (lol) and a bit scaly.  But all I need to do now is moisturize, and my skin will return to normal.

On the other hand – my mole DID react, so I will publish something soon on this one, and it will be a multi-part blog for Black Salve Experiment #4.  The reason for this is that I AM taking a lot of pictures, as I want to document it the whole way through.  I also am trying different things to minimize scarring.  It seems like every one who puts their story on the internet, never really comes back to show the final effect of scarring, so I may post somewhat frequently at first, I will definitely show the final results, even if it’s a year down the road….

Comments, experiences, questions, etc. are definitely welcome!!!  Feel free to post a comment!